Yet another relative term, expectations can change even the smallest of situations. Preconceived notions regarding an event in anticipation of what is to come can distort reality and leave a person unfulfilled. From a wedding, a start of something new, a new job, to something as simple as a movie or a book, if expectations are not achieved, we are disappointed. I say this on the eve of the newest, and last, Harry Potter installment (don’t spoil it for me – but my prediction is they both die). But you could say this about anything with high expectations, such as the latter Star Wars trilogy (complete blew). But even on a smaller scale to the individual, big events never seem to live up the expectations because we can never predict exactly how something will turn out (hmm, on this trip to San Francisco I think I will save the world, get the girl, receive universal praise and admiration, and blow them away with my powerpoint presentation at the share holders meeting). But how can we avoid expectations? Our mind creates expectations to prepare itself for a coming event (what do you mean the reception will be on a blimp?) What becomes dangerous is the constant distraction and brain power used to establish our expectations (I will be old and retired in forty years! What will I do in between sleeping and napping?!?)
Conversely, low expectations allow for pleasant surprises (oh, this mysterious, unpronounceable dish didn’t kill me…nice). How often have you entered a movie theater where Keanu Reeves is the star and expected to be blown away? (Enter the Matrix) We have low expectations in some cases for good reason, but give the Matrix credit for surprising a hella lot a people. (raise your hand if you saw a spoof of the roof top bullet scene) How many times do you watch a video, navigate to the website, read reviews, search on google, ask friends before going out on a date – I mean, see a movie? (Modern dating? I'm pretty sure it used to be considered stalking) That might be a good indication that you may have high expectations.
I have fallen into this despair on several occasions, and what I have learned, nothing ever turns out how you expect it – too many variables. (I was never good at math) But some expectations are unavoidable, my advice to you, keep an open mind, adapt to situations easily but to your advantage, and do not fret when expectations do not meet your high standards (that way when the event fails to reach your expectations you can skip out during the intermission and be home by the time Lost comes on) And that’s today’s word.
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