Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Well, here it is, my first blog. I’ve never been a big fan of blogs, never really understood the purpose but maybe by doing one, but I’ll figure that all out, or better yet, we can figure it out together. I am writing this as if people are actually going to be reading it. Talk about delusional, but hey, that’s just how I operate…

I should begin with a little history…well first, I am a big fan of history. I love to know where things have come from, where they’ve been, how they got there. And I mean everything, old buildings, people, a bolt, a Popsicle stick, this chair I’m sitting in. Where was it made? Who made it? Who’s sat in it? How many farts have passed through its mesh lining? Knowing the history of something or someone gives us a better understanding on who or what it is.

And I will begin with what I know the most history about….me. My name is Rick, short for Richard, like the king, but I am far from kingly. I grew-up and currently live in the history rich state, sorry, Commonwealth of Virginia, named after the first Queen Elizabeth. I think it is always good to know where someone is writing because of my one, all-encompassing and ever-present belief that everything thing is relative. What I experience in Virginia is vastly different then, say, what someone else experiences in “Northern” Virginia (NoVa as it is referred to around here) I swear those people want it to be a separate state, sorry, Commonwealth. Maybe we’ll have another Civil War around here, because that just what this state, sorry, Commonwealth, needs, another damn civil war to languish in for another 150 years. As you can tell by now…I tend to go off on tangents, bare with me, maybe this medium, and modern word processing technology, will help me fix that problem. Now where was I? Relative-ness, or something, so even what I experience in this very cubicle is a variation of what my co-workers experience in their cubicles. I think you get the point. Which brings me back to the very point of writing a blog. If everything is relative then I am certainly not here to try to tell you what you are thinking right now is wrong (unless it is somehow related to me being a bumbling fool) and I’m not here to influence opinion or political beliefs. I guess it all comes down to the basic concept of education. The more we are exposed to the relative beliefs and views of individuals, the more we can understand the world around us…or something like that. And besides, what else do I have to do? Its either this, work, or school work. Which brings me to factoid number, whatever, I am a career academic…which basically just means I don’t know what I want to do with my life so I’ll just waste a whole lot of money listening to really boring people talk about stuff I’m too lazy to read about. Actually the goal is to be one of those type people someday…maybe to a lesser “degree” (oh I am so witty). I did briefly spend time in the “real” world but didn’t like it, so I’m back in my delusional reality.

And a comment on the blog’s name: All credit must go to Joshua Radin and his hauntingly beautiful song of the same name. In reality, my reality, its just a cool name, and on a figurative level, and I’m sure its “trippy” on some altered reality plain, it is like exposing the world to you through my sunlight. Yeah, I don’t know what that means either, maybe one of you can explain it to me.

I will be covering a lot of topics with thoughts and ideas that have been bouncing aimlessly in this head of mine, that have had no outlet except in verbal rants to my friends and family, so thank you world of blogs, and my family and friends thanks you as well, for giving me this opportunity to write, vent, expound, capitulate, to absolutely no one. So I am new to all of this, forgive me if this all comes out like a bubbling idiot, which isn’t really that far from the truth, hopefully together we can figure what all this is about.

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