Friday, March 23, 2007

Not So Deep Thoughts II

Things have been hectic at work, I will be having nightmares about telephones ringing for the next 3 weeks I'm sure. (Speaking of which....) so I've only had time to type up some random thoughts I've had over the past week, so here's your next edition of "not-so-deep thoughts":

- Since when did car horns go from being a instrument of warning to a tool of showing interest in the opposite sex?

- I'm going to start handing flyers to people who hand out flyers expressing my dislike for people who hand out flyers, although I respect their right to do so.

- I wonder how miss manners would feel about talking on your cell phone while eating with someone else at the table, I will ask her as soon as she gets off the phone.

- When are togas going to come back in style?

- I feel if you are going to protest something, at least get more than 10 people to commit, because you know at least 5 or 6 are going to phone it in.

- Why do they have protests on college campuses? I mean that's not the voting demographic that is really going to make a difference in this country's leadership.

- No president knows everything about everything...the problem is when there is one who know very little about very few things.

- Does Santa really use msn messenger and where do they get off making that claim?

- Can you ever have too many hanging folders?

- The supply officers of any company have all the power except...

- Keys are the keys to power, the more you have, the more powerful you are. Janitorial staff are the most powerful people in any building and most of them don't even know it. And without them, the industrialized world would come to a scretching halt.

- Hospitals promote the class hierarchical establishment by requiring uniforms of different colors. But if I'm in medical need, get me one of those people with white coats 'cause I don't want my life in the hands of those purple people. (honestly I really don't know what the different colors mean and this is for humor purposes only, so if you are a purple person, I apologies, especially if you could save my life)

- Are all blogs really this preachy? Am I saying anything new here that hasn't been already written by a 15 year old freshmen high school student in a creative writing class with a project due tomorrow morning and just goes and makes things up to turn in?

- Is this really worth your time reading? At some point I might actually put something educational on here.

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