(the following is a blog about why I don’t blog about
myself. All of these commenters are factious, and any resemblance to actually people
is merely coincidental, enjoy!)
“Hey, Rick D., long time reader, first time commenter. I see
you do not write about yourself very much. What’s up with that?” – Nosey in New Brunswick
Haha, well, Nosey, first, thank you for your comments, and
to answer you question, one I might add that I’m sure are on many of the readers’
minds, is that I don’t think many of you would find my life all that much
interesting. Don’t get me wrong, I am very happy with my life - A very loving
and beautiful wife, a quaint house in a nice neighborhood, away from the noise
but close enough to the see to not be considered the suburbs. But, honestly,
who really wants to read about that? But if you are interested, let me know.
“I see from your blogs that you are an average, middle-age,
white guy who teaches high school history and watches a lot of TV. What makes
you so special and knowledgeable to rant on anything?” – condescending in Caroline
Nice deduction, condescending, you are spot on. If you go
back through my blogs, I actually reveal a lot about myself: I don’t plan
ahead, I write as I think, I can be witty but lack refinement, I use a lot of
self-deprecating humor, I rarely revise mistakes because I do not re-read my
writings, I’m not an English major but pretend to be, and know a little about a
lot of things but not a lot about a few things.
“Sundreched, first time reader, long time commenter. I find
it very difficult to follow your posts so I just don’t read them. Why are you
even doing this?” – annoyed in Alexandria
Oh boy, tough crowded out there today, are you annoyed because
of the traffic up there, or what? Well, I do this more for my own enjoyment,
really. I have no pretense that anyone actually reads this thing, even you
guys, my devote commenters, mainly because I made you up and since no one
actually comments I never actually know if anyone does read this (shameless
plea). I find this medium to be a good outlet for rants, ideas, and removing
the mental garbage that piles up in my head during those momentary periods of
silence over the course of a day. I’ve never been one to keep a journal and in
times of going back and reading my own posts, it is more like reading someone
else’s thoughts, because I rarely remember thinking of them the first time
around. And lastly, I think it’s a good primary source of my own thoughts and a
reflection of the things happening at that time…which sometimes makes it
difficult to get some of the references in old posts, but whatever.
“Your writing does not follow a singular train of thought;
do you have A.D.D or something?” – random in Roanoke
Yes. Wait, what were we talking about? So, yeah, if you
don’t have A.D.D. and want to know the mental processes that occur with in the
mind of someone who has been clinically diagnosed with A.D.D (I will never be
mistaken for someone who is hyperactive so just leave the ‘H’ at the door),
then feel free to peruse some of my earlier posts, or just sit through one of
my classes…good thing most of my students don’t pay attention or they would be
completely lost listening to me. I tend to go on tangents…I did enjoy math in
high school, that could explain my appeal for problem solving and geometry,
things like tangents and hypotenuses. I am must more of a spatial learner than
auditory. Wait, what was I talking about? One of my co-workers actually
recommended that I take a drug to help me out with that. ‘nough said.
“Are you like this in real life?” – admirer from Albemarle
Why yes, yes I am, only less articulate, and less wordy, and
less vocal, and less forthcoming with my thoughts. So no, no I am not. The
ability (and you might find this hard to believe) to contemplate your thoughts
prior to expressing them is a big bonus for me. I’m witty, but not quick of
tongue. I’m like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory, give me some time and I’ll
e-mail you a witty retort (but not nearly as smart, but maybe just as equally
socially awkward). In a group, I probably talk the least (my students would
find this hard to believe). I might even say things inappropriate for the level
of acquaintance (see ‘Acquaintances’ post). But, all-in-all, I’m just as random
and observant, and randomly observant as my posts.
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