I have been procrastinating writing on procrastination, seriously. I guess I’ve just found other topics to write on that I find more worthy of my time. But I have put it off for too long now…now that I have other things that I would rather not be doing. So why do I procrastinate? Why does anyone procrastinate? Well, those are good questions that I just don’t have the answers to. Hey – I’m never said I knew everything! See, even now I am thinking about writing (and probably will) a blog on Windows Vista/Microsoft. What is my problem? Ugg. Well, I am sure I am not alone. Procrastination loves company…it helps it procrastinate more.
In my case, I believe it really is a lack of motivation…maybe genetics…but I do know that fear is my biggest motivation. Not fear like in the horror movie type of fear…more of a fear of failure or letting someone down. This is why I am so much more productive when I am given instructions/parameters and deadlines, and more so if it is for someone other than myself.
And now that it is almost quitting time, I am back blogging…at least until it actually is time to leave - then I will finish this tomorrow...maybe. And what are the best ways to procrastinate you ask? Well, as mentioned before, the most popular way in America has to be watching TV, or movies. More modern distractions like, classic gaming sites like, and …and I have been procrastinating this blog now for 5 days, its now Tuesday, stay tuned for further updates…
Well it is now Monday…two weeks later. Needless to say I have been procrastinating the procrastinating. Things have been busy here and contrary to popular belief, I actually feel that work should be done prior to their deadlines. Like I said, give me a deadline that I have to reach and I will get things done. Problem with that approach: poor work. I like to think that the work that I do is fairly decent, especially for something done at the last minute. And for the most part it is. What bites me in the behind is work that really needs more time than “the day before”. I’m pretty sure that whoever created this Universe back in the day was like, “oh crap, I have this project due for science class tomorrow, maybe I should start working on that.” Then go play some X-Box for about six hours, come back, take a bunch of matter and then spin it like a toy top, then ended up getting a C- on their project, put it in the back of the closest and forgot about it. (Let’s hope that day for spring cleaning doesn’t come around too soon)
The Universe being the Universe, I’m pretty sure that person didn’t procrastinate on their science project. Let that be a lesson to you dear readers. And I will bet our universal science guru also checked over their work before turning in that science project. Missed those black holes though but that’s much better than the few thousand typos I’ve made just in a measly 14 posts. If you want a laugh, you should have read them before I had my “editor” point out my mistakes, or you should go back through my old e-mails…or papers! It’s a wonder I ever graduated from middle school let alone an academic institution of higher learning! (The jury’s still out on the graduate degree, I’ll keep you posted).
And let me tell you, procrastination is a bad habit to fall into. Its like falling into that vat of liquid hot magma that finally did in the T-1000 from Terminator 2. Liquid Nitrogen? nope. Rocket propelled grenade? nope. Fist through the head from Arnold Schwarzenegger? please, the guy can change from liquid to solid steel at will, of course the only thing that will kill him is lava-hot smelting vat full of liquefied metal.
So the lesson learned here? To get through life one must not procrastinate, be malleable, have the ability to become tough as steel, avoid Arnold Schwarzenegger and excessively hot, liquid filled drums.
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